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Board gaming ministry

What is one thing families across the country do on wet and miserable days whilst on holiday?  They break out board games… Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble….yawn…more like bored games!  The world of board gaming is going through something of a golden age at the moment.  There are hundreds of thousands of new, more exciting games out there with a wide variety of mechanics – from fun party games that can be played in 15 minutes, to epic legacy games which can provide hundreds of hours of entertainment to a group of friends.  It’s so popular that there are multiple websites and YouTube channels that are dedicated to them (check out Wil Wheaton's Tabletop , a YouTube series which has celebrities playing board games with Wil Wheaton from Star Trek that in 2014 broke records by crowdfunding $1,414,159 to continue making episodes!)  There are also board game cafes opening up around the country, where you pay for a table for 30 mins, an hour or 2 hours and they p...
Recent posts

Why All Age Worship? Session 2

Session 2: Fischy Music tl;dr version:   Music should appeal to all ages, which means it can’t have too many complex words, but it should have integrity. Give people control over their worship songs – modify them to reflect the congregation – the more they own it the more engaged they are. Teach new songs always at the start of services Movement isn’t just for kids it’s another form of worship. This session was predominantly singing and dancing, whilst discussing the importance of song and movement.  Much of Fischy Music is childlike praise with a couple of silly songs to help people relax, which is unsuprising as one of their main markets are schools. Singing creates a sense of safety, belonging, fun and happiness to be there. The reason so many people dislike it is that at approximately age 10 they are told they can’t sing – usually by teachers or people they respect and it has a big knock on effect. It is similar for movement whilst singing as well...

Why All Age Worship? Session 1

So as promised in my last post here is my write up of the first session from the childrens conference run by Blackburn Diocese this February.  I will post up the others over the next 4 mondays so as not to give you too much to read all at once :P Session 1 - Nick Harding – Why All Age Worship tl;dr version: ·          All Age Worship as a term doesn’t work anymore as it has been corrupted – usually to mean for children and adults put up with it. ·          It should be ‘relationship building’ church, based around building a relationship together as a community between generations whilst also building a community with God ·          Most people are kinaesthetic learners and the service should reflect that ·          It is difficult and challenging to run, and for some people to attend – but it is about mak...

He's back y'all

Hi Everyone, It has been a ridiculously busy time and I haven't had any chance to blog for a while.  I'm going to try doing it sporadically as I can, and when I have interesting updates! My BAP process is still ongoing, I'm now meeting with a former examining chaplain regularly to prepare me for it.  Due to events in my personal life which I won't go into, we have decided not to go ahead with the BAP in time for the next academic year but I should be going for it in Autumn.  I'm excited and ready to do it! My understanding of the CofE and how it works is ever improving in leaps and bounds, mainly due to my new(ish) job as Family Support Worker at All Hallows church in Bispham!  The role allows me to help others explore their faith, whilst also deepening my own.  I've been in it for 6 months now, integrating into the church and starting to make subtle changes and start new things.  It hasn't dulled my wish to become clergy either, whilst I do feel I am...

Pokemon Go and Church

The latest big craze to sweep the nations youth, as well as many adults too, is an augmented reality mobile phone game called Pokemon Go.  To understand it and some of the jargon alongside it we need a brief history:  Anyone who has had children or grandchildren (or like me been a child!) in the past 20 years will most likely have come across Pokemon at some point.  It’s a game originally released in Japan in 1996 by one of the major game companies – Nintendo. In 1998 2 games for the Gameboy were released simultaneously in the UK, Pokemon and Pokemon blue, these are classed as the 1st generation games.  In them you take on the role of a Pokemon trainer and the aim of the games was to become a the best trainer in the fictional realm of Kanto.  To do this you had to go out and explore Kanto, fighting and capturing the 150 different types of Pokemon and using them in battles against gym leaders to eventually prove you were the best.  Each gym would p...

Vision day part 4

Last blog I looked at the aims of transforming Wigan, in this I'll talk about how they plan on doing it. First of all the mathsy bit. They are going to use the Fresh Expressions Pioneer measurements system to keep track of those who begin attending their new schemes rather than relying solely on head counts.  This will let them know once they reach the 10% attendees target. So what will lead to this 10% figure?  Rev. Tim believes that if you let people explore Jesus on their own terms and at a pace suitable for them it will lead to engaged people who will go on to become enrolled disciples - bringing new people in and becoming more involved in the running. This leads to another 2 aims that all fresh expressions should have: Making disciples of Jesus - sowing the seed of faith and curiosity which leads to encounters with God. Growing disciples of Jesus - taking that initial sprouting seed and growing it into a strong tree allowing other seeds to be planted. This is wh...

Vision day part 3

Session 3 was a choice of workshops  exploring fresh expressions in and around  the Wigan area.  There was a choice of prayer cells, messy church and transforming Wigan.  I already have some knowledge of messy church and cells so I chose transforming Wigan. Behold my rubbish Photoshop skills! The initiative has been set up by the CofE as Wigan lies in the centre of the country and at the point where Manchester, Blackburn and Liverpool dioceses all come together.  It is a scheme supported ecumenically in the area, especially by the Methodist circuit. The vision of Rev. Tim is that within 7 years 10% of people living in Wigan will identify as practising Christians.  It is a lofty goal but one that after hearing his plan could work.  The first and most important point he made was that it won't work if we focus solely on churches.  We need to get out into the wider world if we want to have an impact.  Such is his belief in this that the...