What is one thing families across the country do on wet and miserable days whilst on holiday? They break out board games… Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble….yawn…more like bored games! The world of board gaming is going through something of a golden age at the moment. There are hundreds of thousands of new, more exciting games out there with a wide variety of mechanics – from fun party games that can be played in 15 minutes, to epic legacy games which can provide hundreds of hours of entertainment to a group of friends. It’s so popular that there are multiple websites and YouTube channels that are dedicated to them (check out Wil Wheaton's Tabletop , a YouTube series which has celebrities playing board games with Wil Wheaton from Star Trek that in 2014 broke records by crowdfunding $1,414,159 to continue making episodes!) There are also board game cafes opening up around the country, where you pay for a table for 30 mins, an hour or 2 hours and they p...
Session 2: Fischy Music tl;dr version: Music should appeal to all ages, which means it can’t have too many complex words, but it should have integrity. Give people control over their worship songs – modify them to reflect the congregation – the more they own it the more engaged they are. Teach new songs always at the start of services Movement isn’t just for kids it’s another form of worship. This session was predominantly singing and dancing, whilst discussing the importance of song and movement. Much of Fischy Music is childlike praise with a couple of silly songs to help people relax, which is unsuprising as one of their main markets are schools. Singing creates a sense of safety, belonging, fun and happiness to be there. The reason so many people dislike it is that at approximately age 10 they are told they can’t sing – usually by teachers or people they respect and it has a big knock on effect. It is similar for movement whilst singing as well...