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Showing posts with the label science

Science and religion: evolution

  So here's another biggy. Evolution!   This seems to be the main bone of contention between science and religion at the moment and has radicals from both sides screaming and shouting at one another. I am a scientist. I know that we have the theory of evolution and that it is pretty much fact that we did evolve from a common ancestor shared with chimpanzees. We can only call it a theory because we don't have definitive proof of every single step. In science everything is a theory until you can prove every single part of it with solid evidence. That's why there aren't many laws of science but plenty of theories. It does not mean that theories are not true, just that we don't know the entire picture so one or two bits we say may be incorrect. In all experiments conducted on recreating the primordial soup that led to life they have had to add in a Base of DNA (one of the building blocks of it) in order to kick start the creation of life.   I believe that God knew t

Science and religion: creation mythos

Today I thought I'd take a look at one of the issues that causes the most fracas between science and religion. The issue of creation. Now before I start I must  stress this is my opinion, I've thought about this since I was about 10 so it's been a long time that I've put into it,i do accept it could be seen as daft and completely untrue, or it could make perfect sense, either way the aim is not to change anyone's opinions just to provide an alternative viewpoint.  First of all I need to address the focal point of the argument. The Bible. I fully believe the Bible is the word of the Lord. The word of Him/Her. Not necessarily the truth of history. Through the stories in the Bible God is demonstrating how to live our lives as good, morally upstanding  people.  If the exact truth was stated you can get lost for none is fully just, other than God him/herself. If it was fully truth it would be boring and also the key messages in how to be good people would be los

Science and religion: friend or foe?

It seems to come as a shock to people when I say I believe in God.  'But Roshi you're a scientist! How can you believe in God?!' they decry, sometimes quite loudly.   I understand their reasoning. The church and science have had a complex and rather unpleasant past together. This has mostly arisen from power hungry people being scared of new ideas undermining their authority.  Too frequently the reaction has been to demonise and ostracise rather than embrace new theories. I personally believe in the fact that God made us in his/her own image. This doesn't mean (s)he actually physically molded us, I'll cover my theories on that in a later post, but (s)he chose humanity as the closest to him/her out of all the species evolution led to and granted us souls and the ability to reason and explore. Like any parent I believe God wants us to grow up to understand the processes (s)he created.  We're not going to be told how they all work, that wouldn't be learni