Over half term my parish priest was kind enough to arrange 2 days of activities for me to shadow him and see what the reality of the vocation was. This post is a reflection on day one. The day started at quarter to 9, meeting at the church for to pray the office of readings and morning prayers. It was my first time using a missal for it as I usually use an app on my phone, so there was some initial confusion about which page markers to use and when. It's a lovely way to start the day and saying the psalms aloud with another person is markedly different from hurrying through it on your own. Definitely gave me time to properly think about the messages in the readings. After that we celebrated morning mass in the lady chapel and I assisted as a server. Following the service a man came to fix the flooring in the vestry so we quickly visited the charity shop to see how it was doing and then went to the vicarage to walk the dog before heading to the local crematori...
A place for discussions on theology, science and generally anything that I find interesting!