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Showing posts from January, 2016

Vision day session one

In the first session we were introduced to what fresh expressions actually are and given examples of them. My introductory post covered much of what fresh expressions are in broad strokes. This reflection is about what they are more specifically. The speaker gave us some examples of which fresh expressions were already out there successfully running. I won't go into detail as there's plenty about them at the fresh expressions website.   She then talked about the 3 types of church: Attractional - in this one you aim to preserve the status quo, you invite people to join your church, grow the congregation without any change, they can change to fit you not the other way round.  This is a generalisation of course. Some churches are very skilled at the attractional method, but sadly the vast majority aren't.  Engaged - this church goes out into the community, gets involved and uses that as a basis to get people back into church. This is more successful than attraction...

Fresh Expressions Vision Day.

Today I have been to a fresh expressions vision day at Wigan. The aim of the day was to introduce us to what exactly fresh expressions are and give some basic ideas of how they have been implemented.  Some examples of fresh expressions for those who have never heard the turn are the skate park church Legacy 9xs, the bread making church in Liverpool and indoor play areas like the Ark at Cranbrook which all offer worship alongside social activities. It all comes down to what the Gospel tells us to do. Particularly  Matthew 28:19 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,  baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." The plural of disciples is church, and fresh expressions is all about going back to the origins of church. When the disciples  initially wandered the Earth spreading the good news all churches were fresh expressions, each place would worship Christ in a way that worked for them. They did not try to fit a st...

New year, new objectives

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jer. 29:11 I had a chat with my ADDO last Sunday and we decided together that this year I wouldn't be ready to go forward for candidacy.  I haven't yet had enough time for formation.  Granted this is a little disappointing as we as a society are so used to quick gratification, however, I do believe it's for the best and I am very excited about the year to come! Bishop Philip and Rev Cindy have said I am to continue my placement at the Benefice until Advent so I will have had a full year of working alongside my ADDO, developing my calling and gaining further insight into what it means to be a priest.   As I am married and have commitments I cannot take part in one of the 'Years with Christ' that the CofE have      created so this is as close to that as I can get, so I  am going to throw myself into it ...

Reflections on first Youth Group

Last Friday I assisted in the set up and running of the Benefice's Youth Group at the village hall.  I worked with the layperson who has overall charge of the youth activities, a lovely woman called Janet. She already had a rough idea of what she wanted the kids to do during the session, but wanted some activities to keep them excited and involved.  The theme she had decided on was 'stars' so we decided to make the activities have a star wars theme as that is the big film of the moment. First I had to plan which activities we could do.  Enter the trusty friend - Google!  I searched around the web for youth group star wars games and managed to find a few interesting ones.  Janet and I looked them over and decided we were going to do three activities from what I had found: An obstacle course based on podracing, where the course looked a little like a podracer and the teams had to get two cups of water around it multiple times without spilling any. A 'bomb...

First Sunday of Epiphany Year C: Prayers and Address

These are the prayers and address I used for the first Sunday of Epiphany this year. Prayers: We pray for all baptised and unbaptised people around the world. Help them, and us, to lead happy lives.   We pray especially for all those caught in war, poverty, famine or natural disasters.  Help those around our country whose homes have flooded multiple times and don’t know when the rains will hit them again. We pray for those in Syria and the Middle East, may they find a way to stop the senseless violence.  We also pray for North Korea help them to see that they don’t need to develop new weapons. We pray for our families, friends and people we know. Let them enjoy themselves with smiles on their faces.   Please help those people who find it hard to smile at this time, those who are sick, in pain or unhappy. Help them to find some comfort, and help us to be able to give it to them.  We pray especially for.... Finally Lord, thankyou for giving us this chance to...

First full service

Outside view of Christ Church  Today I led my first service in its entirety. Last week Rev. Cindy kindly let me lead the family service from the order of service whilst she took control of the intercessions and the address.  Over the Christmas period I also had a chance at doing prayers of intercession as well as addresses.   This week I combined all of them and led the service from start to finish minus the reading and notices. The former as usually you do get someone else to read to break the monotony of your voice for the congregation and the latter as I didn't have a list of them.  I feel like it went really well! I didn't trip over anything and everyone there said I did a great job. I was nervous but it felt like God was present and was helping me maintain my composure and keep on top of things. I'm suffering from a chesty cough at the moment yet throughout the service I didn't need to stop to cough even once! I'm not sure if anyone would be inte...