Last blog I looked at the aims of transforming Wigan, in this I'll talk about how they plan on doing it. First of all the mathsy bit. They are going to use the Fresh Expressions Pioneer measurements system to keep track of those who begin attending their new schemes rather than relying solely on head counts. This will let them know once they reach the 10% attendees target. So what will lead to this 10% figure? Rev. Tim believes that if you let people explore Jesus on their own terms and at a pace suitable for them it will lead to engaged people who will go on to become enrolled disciples - bringing new people in and becoming more involved in the running. This leads to another 2 aims that all fresh expressions should have: Making disciples of Jesus - sowing the seed of faith and curiosity which leads to encounters with God. Growing disciples of Jesus - taking that initial sprouting seed and growing it into a strong tree allowing other seeds to be planted. This is wh...
A place for discussions on theology, science and generally anything that I find interesting!